Black Oak FAQ's

  1. What products does Black Oak Furniture offer?
    Black Oak Furniture offers a wide range of furniture and home décor products, including sofas, chairs, tables, bed frames, and home décor accessories.

  2. How do I place an order on Black Oak Furniture?
    You can place an order on Black Oak Furniture by adding the desired products to your cart, proceeding to checkout, and following the on-screen instructions to complete your purchase.

  3. How long does it take for my order to be delivered?
    Delivery time may vary depending on your location, but typically, it takes 3-5 business days for orders to be delivered.

  4. How do I return a product?
    If you received a damaged product, you may request a replacement by contacting Black Oak Furniture customer service team at blackoakfurnitures@hotmail.com. Please note that all products sold on Homelo.pk are non-returnable.

  5. Does Homelo.pk offer free delivery?
    Yes, Black Oak Furniture offers free delivery on all orders.

  6. What payment methods does Black Oak Furniture accept?
    Black Oak Furniture accepts a wide range of payment methods, including credit cards, debit cards, and Cash on delivery (COD).

  7. Is it safe to shop on Black Oak Furniture?
    Yes, Black Oak Furniture takes the security of its customers' personal and financial information very seriously, and implements appropriate measures to protect against unauthorized access and misuse.

  8. What is Black Oak Furniture customer service hours?
    Black Oak Furniture customer service team is available Monday to Friday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm PST, to assist with any questions or concerns.

  9. What is Black Oak Furniture return policy?
    Black Oak Furniture only replaces damaged products upon receipt of an accurate reason. All products sold on Black Oak Furniture are non-returnable.

  10. How can I contact Black Oak Furniture?
    You can contact Black Oak Furniture by sending an email to blackoakfurnitures@hotmail.com or by filling out the contact form on the Contact Us page of the Black Oak Furniture website.